網上課程,5月10號開始逢星期五9pm – 10pm,一連52個星期。不定期實體課。會有網上錄影。完成後會有編程學會證書。完成後會選五個學生參加一個貢獻Open Source的計劃,動手開發一些實用軟件。必需要填以下報名表,我們只會用whatsapp和學生聯繫。


  • Java introduction
    • History
    • Features
    • Installation
  • Java Basics
    • Compiling and executing
    • Variables and arrays
    • Create packaged classes
    • Writing a simple program
    • Data types
  • Operators & Expressions
    • Arithmetic operators
    • Boolean operators
    • Logical operators
    • Binary operators
  • Control statements
    • Branching statements
    • Iterative statements
    • Break & Continue with enhancements
    • While
    • For
    • Do..While
    • Goto Statement
    • Break and Continue statement
  • Java Swing
    • Basic Swing Application
    • Text Box
    • Button
    • Combo Box
    • Radio Button
    • Menu
    • Menu
    • Architecture
  • Apache Maven
    • Download and install Maven
    • Build a project
    • Work with Maven’s directory structure, plugins, repositories, and more
    • Understand the Project Object Model (POM)
    • Build a complete web application using Maven
    • Build and activate profiles
  • Java Object Oriented Programming
    • Basics of OOPs
    • Fundamentals of class & object
    • New keyword
    • Reference variables
    • Member methods of a class
    • Constructors
    • Finalize method
    • Overloading member methods
    • Overloading contractors
    • Passing and returning objects with methods
    • Access control
    • Static methods
    • Static variables
    • Static block
    • Using final keyword
  • Inheritance
    • Basics of inheritance
    • Members accessibility in inheritance
    • Using super keyword
    • Multilevel inheritance
    • The sequence of execution of constructors in inheritance
    • Method overriding
    • Dynamic method dispatch
    • Abstract classes
    • Preventing overriding
    • Preventing inheritance
  • Exception handling
    • Fundamentals of exceptions
    • Types of exceptions
    • Using try and catch keywords
    • Multiple catches
    • Nesting of try blocks
    • Using throw keyword
    • Using throws keyword
    • Finally block
    • Some predefined exceptions and their usage
    • User defined exceptions
  • Interfaces
    • Purpose of interface
    • Defining an interface
    • Implementing interfaces
    • Interface reference variables
    • Interface with variables
    • Extending interfaces
  • Multithreaded programming
    • Basics of threads
    • Java threaded model
    • Defining threads using Runnable interface
    • Defining threads using Thread superclass
    • Multiple threads
    • Thread Priority values
    • Thread Synchronization using synchronized methods 
    • Thread Synchronization using synchronized blocks